Specialized Evaluation and Assessment for Individuals


Have you been struggling to identify problems in your life? Have you attempted treatments including therapy and medication that do not seem to be effective in managing your symptoms? Have you or your child been struggling in work or school due to learning problems, attention difficulties, or organization weaknesses?

Our team specializes in individualized psychological testing and evaluation. These evaluations and are comprehensive and seek to identify the unique needs, strengths, and weaknesses that may be impacting an individual's functioning at a given time. Evaluations can be used to identify specific diagnostic conditions which help to guide treatment and therapeutic interventions.

We also have providers who are able to see therapy clients. Due to Dr. Lokken's full assessment practice, she is not offering any therapy services at this time. However, Dr. Woodcox, Dr. Adelson, Courtney Baron, and Nicole Onorato are accepting new clients from time to time depending on their caseloads.